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(parsedConfig[jsonPath] as any) : undefined; const configFromFile = resolveConfigFromFile(fileContent, configPath); if (configFromFile == null) { throw new Error(`Could not resolve config object from specified file and path`); } return { ...parsedConfig, ...applyTypeConversion(configFromFile, options), ...parsedConfigWithoutDefaults }; } function resolveConfigFromFile<T>(configfromFile: any, configPath?: string): Partial<Record<keyof T, any>> { if (configPath == null || configPath == '') { return configfromFile as Partial<Record<keyof T, any>>; } const paths = configPath.split('.'); const key = paths.shift(); if (key == null) { return configfromFile; } const config = configfromFile[key]; return resolveConfigFromFile(config, paths.join('.')); } function applyTypeConversion<T>( configfromFile: Partial<Record<keyof T, any>>, options: ArgumentOptions<T>, ): Partial<T> { const transformedParams: Partial<T> = {}; Object.keys(configfromFile).forEach((prop) => { const key = prop as keyof T; const argumentOptions = options[key]; if (argumentOptions == null) { return; } const fileValue = configfromFile[key]; if (argumentOptions.multiple || argumentOptions.lazyMultiple) { const fileArrayValue = Array.isArray(fileValue) ? fileValue : [fileValue]; transformedParams[key] = => convertType(arrayValue, argumentOptions), ) as any; } else { transformedParams[key] = convertType(fileValue, argumentOptions) as any; } }); return transformedParams; } function convertType<T>(value: any, propOptions: PropertyOptions<T>): any { if ( === 'Boolean') { switch (value) { case 'true': return propOptions.type(true); case 'false': return propOptions.type(false); } } return propOptions.type(value); } type ArgsAndLastOption = { args: string[]; lastOption?: PropertyOptions<any> }; type PartialAndLastOption<T> = { partial: Partial<T>; lastOption?: PropertyOptions<any>; lastName?: Extract<keyof T, string>; }; const argNameRegExp = /^-{1,2}(\w+)(=(\w+))?$/; const booleanValue = ['1', '0', 'true', 'false']; /** * commandLineArgs throws an error if we pass aa value for a boolean arg as follows: * myCommand -a=true --booleanArg=false --otherArg true * this function removes these booleans so as to avoid errors from commandLineArgs * @param args * @param config */ export function removeBooleanValues<T>(args: string[], config: ArgumentOptions<T>): string[] { function removeBooleanArgs(argsAndLastValue: ArgsAndLastOption, arg: string): ArgsAndLastOption { const { argOptions, argValue } = getParamConfig(arg, config); const lastOption = argsAndLastValue.lastOption; if (lastOption != null && isBoolean(lastOption) && booleanValue.some((boolValue) => boolValue === arg)) { const args = argsAndLastValue.args.concat(); args.pop(); return { args }; } else if (argOptions != null && isBoolean(argOptions) && argValue != null) { return { args: argsAndLastValue.args }; } else { return { args: [...argsAndLastValue.args, arg], lastOption: argOptions }; } } return args.reduce<ArgsAndLastOption>(removeBooleanArgs, { args: [] }).args; } /** * Gets the values of any boolean arguments that were specified on the command line with a value * These arguments were removed by removeBooleanValues * @param args * @param config */ export function getBooleanValues<T>(args: string[], config: ArgumentOptions<T>): Partial<T> { function getBooleanValues(argsAndLastOption: PartialAndLastOption<T>, arg: string): PartialAndLastOption<T> { const { argOptions, argName, argValue } = getParamConfig(arg, config); const lastOption = argsAndLastOption.lastOption; if (argOptions != null && isBoolean(argOptions) && argValue != null && argName != null) { argsAndLastOption.partial[argName] = convertType(argValue, argOptions) as any; } else if ( argsAndLastOption.lastName != null && lastOption != null && isBoolean(lastOption) && booleanValue.some((boolValue) => boolValue === arg) ) { argsAndLastOption.partial[argsAndLastOption.lastName] = convertType(arg, lastOption) as any; } return { partial: argsAndLastOption.partial, lastName: argName, lastOption: argOptions }; } return args.reduce<PartialAndLastOption<T>>(getBooleanValues, { partial: {} }).partial; } function getParamConfig<T>( arg: string, config: ArgumentOptions<T>, ): { argName?: Extract<keyof T, string>; argOptions?: PropertyOptions<any>; argValue?: string } { const regExpResult = argNameRegExp.exec(arg); if (regExpResult == null) { return {}; } const nameOrAlias = regExpResult[1]; for (const argName in config) { const argConfig = config[argName]; if (argName === nameOrAlias || argConfig.alias === nameOrAlias) { return { argOptions: argConfig as PropertyOptions<any>, argName, argValue: regExpResult[3] }; } } return {}; } |