All files / src/helpers markdown.helper.ts

82.86% Statements 145/175
92.77% Branches 77/83
80% Functions 12/15
82.86% Lines 145/175

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import {
} from '../contracts';
import { join } from 'path';
import { normaliseConfig, createCommandLineConfig } from './command-line.helper';
import { generateTableFooter, getOptionSections, mapDefinitionDetails } from './options.helper';
import { convertChalkStringToMarkdown } from './string.helper';
export function createUsageGuide<T = any>(config: UsageGuideConfig<T>): string {
    const options = config.parseOptions || {};
    const headerSections = options.headerContentSections || [];
    const footerSections = options.footerContentSections || [];
    return [
        ...headerSections.filter(filterMarkdownSections).map((section) => createSection(section, config)),
        ...createOptionsSections(config.arguments, options),
        ...footerSections.filter(filterMarkdownSections).map((section) => createSection(section, config)),
function filterMarkdownSections(section: Content): boolean {
    return section.includeIn == null || section.includeIn === 'both' || section.includeIn === 'markdown';
export function createSection<T>(section: Content, config: UsageGuideConfig<T>): string {
    return `
${createHeading(section, config.parseOptions?.defaultSectionHeaderLevel || 1)}
export function createSectionContent(section: Content): string {
    if (typeof section.content === 'string') {
        return convertChalkStringToMarkdown(section.content);
    if (Array.isArray(section.content)) {
        if (section.content.every((content) => typeof content === 'string')) {
            return (section.content as string[]).map(convertChalkStringToMarkdown).join('\n');
        } else if (section.content.every((content) => typeof content === 'object')) {
            return createSectionTable(section.content);
    return '';
export function createSectionTable(rows: any[]): string {
    if (rows.length === 0) {
        return ``;
    const cellKeys = Object.keys(rows[0]);
    return `
|${ => ` ${key} `).join('|')}|
|${ => '-').join('|')}|
${ => `| ${ => convertChalkStringToMarkdown(row[key])).join(' | ')} |`).join('\n')}`;
export function createOptionsSections<T>(cliArguments: ArgumentConfig<T>, options: ParseOptions<any>): string[] {
    const normalisedConfig = normaliseConfig(cliArguments);
    const optionList = createCommandLineConfig(normalisedConfig);
    if (optionList.length === 0) {
        return [];
    return getOptionSections(options).map((section) => createOptionsSection(optionList, section, options));
export function createOptionsSection<T>(
    optionList: CommandLineOption<any>[],
    content: OptionContent,
    options: ParseOptions<any>,
): string {
    optionList = optionList.filter((option) => filterOptions(option,;
    const anyAlias = optionList.some((option) => option.alias != null);
    const anyDescription = optionList.some((option) => option.description != null);
    const footer = generateTableFooter(optionList, options);
    return `
${createHeading(content, 2)}
| Argument |${anyAlias ? ' Alias |' : ''} Type |${anyDescription ? ' Description |' : ''}
|-|${anyAlias ? '-|' : ''}-|${anyDescription ? '-|' : ''}
    .map((option) => mapDefinitionDetails(option, options))
    .map((option) => createOptionRow(option, anyAlias, anyDescription))
${footer != null ? footer + '\n' : ''}`;
function filterOptions(option: CommandLineOption, groups?: string | string[]): boolean {
    return (
        groups == null ||
        (typeof groups === 'string' && (groups === || (groups === '_none' && == null))) ||
        (Array.isArray(groups) &&
            (groups.some((group) => group === ||
                (groups.some((group) => group === '_none') && == null)))
export function createHeading(section: SectionHeader, defaultLevel: HeaderLevel): string {
    if (section.header == null) {
        return '';
    const headingLevel = Array.from({ length: section.headerLevel || defaultLevel })
        .map(() => `#`)
    return `${headingLevel} ${section.header}
export function createOptionRow(option: CommandLineOption, includeAlias = true, includeDescription = true): string {
    const alias = includeAlias ? ` ${option.alias == null ? '' : '**' + option.alias + '** '}|` : ``;
    const description = includeDescription
        ? ` ${option.description == null ? '' : convertChalkStringToMarkdown(option.description) + ' '}|`
        : ``;
    return `| **${}** |${alias} ${getType(option)}|${description}`;
export function getType(option: CommandLineOption): string {
    if (option.typeLabel) {
        return `${convertChalkStringToMarkdown(option.typeLabel)} `;
    //TODO: add modifiers
    const type = option.type ? : 'string';
    const multiple = option.multiple || option.lazyMultiple ? '[]' : '';
    return `${type}${multiple} `;
export function generateUsageGuides(args: IWriteMarkDown): string[] {
    function mapJsImports(imports: JsImport[], jsFile: string) {
        return [...imports, => ({ jsFile, importName }))];

    return args.jsFile
        .reduce(mapJsImports, new Array<JsImport>())
        .map(({ jsFile, importName }) => loadArgConfig(jsFile, importName))
export function loadArgConfig(jsFile: string, importName: string): UsageGuideConfig | undefined {
    const jsPath = join(process.cwd(), jsFile);
    // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-var-requires
    const jsExports = require(jsPath);

    const argConfig: UsageGuideConfig = jsExports[importName];

    if (argConfig == null) {
        console.warn(`Could not import ArgumentConfig named '${importName}' from jsFile '${jsFile}'`);
        return undefined;

    return argConfig;
function isDefined<T>(value: T | undefined | null): value is T {
    return value != null;