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Required, used to determine what arguments are expected * @param options * @param exitProcess defaults to true. The process will exit if any required arguments are omitted * @param addCommandLineResults defaults to false. If passed an additional _commandLineResults object will be returned in the result * @returns */ export function parse<T, P extends ParseOptions<T> = ParseOptions<T>, R extends boolean = false>( config: ArgumentConfig<T>, options: P = {} as any, exitProcess = true, addCommandLineResults?: R, ): T & UnknownProperties<P> & CommandLineResults<R> { options = options || {}; const argsWithBooleanValues = options.argv || process.argv.slice(2); const logger = options.logger || console; const normalisedConfig = normaliseConfig(config); options.argv = removeBooleanValues(argsWithBooleanValues, normalisedConfig); const optionList = createCommandLineConfig(normalisedConfig); let parsedArgs = commandLineArgs(optionList, options) as any; if (parsedArgs['_all'] != null) { const unknown = parsedArgs['_unknown']; parsedArgs = parsedArgs['_all']; if (unknown) { parsedArgs['_unknown'] = unknown; } } const booleanValues = getBooleanValues(argsWithBooleanValues, normalisedConfig); parsedArgs = { ...parsedArgs, ...booleanValues }; if (options.loadFromFileArg != null && parsedArgs[options.loadFromFileArg] != null) { const configFromFile: Partial<Record<keyof T, any>> = JSON.parse( readFileSync(resolve(parsedArgs[options.loadFromFileArg])).toString(), ); const parsedArgsWithoutDefaults = commandLineArgs( // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars{ defaultValue, ...option }) => ({ ...option })), options, ) as any; parsedArgs = mergeConfig<T>( parsedArgs, { ...parsedArgsWithoutDefaults, ...booleanValues }, configFromFile, normalisedConfig, options.loadFromFileJsonPathArg as keyof T | undefined, ); } const missingArgs = listMissingArgs(optionList, parsedArgs); if (options.helpArg != null && (parsedArgs as any)[options.helpArg]) { printHelpGuide(options, optionList, logger); if (exitProcess) { return process.exit(resolveExitCode(options, 'usageGuide', parsedArgs, missingArgs)); } } else if (missingArgs.length > 0) { if (options.showHelpWhenArgsMissing) { const missingArgsHeader = typeof options.helpWhenArgMissingHeader === 'function' ? options.helpWhenArgMissingHeader(missingArgs) : options.helpWhenArgMissingHeader; const additionalHeaderSections: Content[] = missingArgsHeader != null ? [missingArgsHeader] : []; printHelpGuide(options, optionList, logger, additionalHeaderSections); } else if (options.hideMissingArgMessages !== true) { printMissingArgErrors(missingArgs, logger, options.baseCommand); printUsageGuideMessage( { ...options, logger }, options.helpArg != null ? optionList.filter((option) => === options.helpArg)[0] : undefined, ); } } const _commandLineResults = { missingArgs: missingArgs, printHelp: () => printHelpGuide(options, optionList, logger), }; if (missingArgs.length > 0 && exitProcess) { process.exit(resolveExitCode(options, 'missingArgs', parsedArgs, missingArgs)); } else { if (addCommandLineResults) { parsedArgs = { ...parsedArgs, _commandLineResults }; } return parsedArgs as T & UnknownProperties<P> & CommandLineResults<R>; } } function resolveExitCode<T>( options: ParseOptions<T>, reason: ExitReason, passedArgs: Partial<T>, missingArgs: CommandLineOption<T>[], ): number { switch (typeof options.processExitCode) { case 'number': return options.processExitCode; case 'function': return options.processExitCode(reason, passedArgs, missingArgs as any); default: return 0; } } function printHelpGuide<T>( options: ParseOptions<T>, optionList: CommandLineOption<T>[], logger: Console, additionalHeaderSections: Content[] = [], ) { const sections = [ ...additionalHeaderSections, ...(options.headerContentSections?.filter(filterCliSections) || []), ...getOptionSections(options).map((option) => addOptions(option, optionList, options)), ...getOptionFooterSection(optionList, options), ...(options.footerContentSections?.filter(filterCliSections) || []), ]; visit(sections, (value) => { switch (typeof value) { case 'string': return removeAdditionalFormatting(value); default: return value; } }); const usageGuide = commandLineUsage(sections); logger.log(usageGuide); } function filterCliSections(section: Content): boolean { return section.includeIn == null || section.includeIn === 'both' || section.includeIn === 'cli'; } function printMissingArgErrors(missingArgs: CommandLineOption[], logger: Console, baseCommand?: string) { baseCommand = baseCommand ? `${baseCommand} ` : ``; missingArgs.forEach((config) => { const aliasMessage = config.alias != null ? ` or '${baseCommand}-${config.alias} passedValue'` : ``; const runCommand = baseCommand !== '' ? `running '${baseCommand}--${}=passedValue'${aliasMessage}` : `passing '--${}=passedValue'${aliasMessage} in command line arguments`; logger.error(`Required parameter '${}' was not passed. Please provide a value by ${runCommand}`); }); } function printUsageGuideMessage(options: UsageGuideOptions & { logger: Console }, helpParam?: CommandLineOption) { if (helpParam != null) { const helpArg = helpParam.alias != null ? `-${helpParam.alias}` : `--${}`; const command = options.baseCommand != null ? `run '${options.baseCommand} ${helpArg}'` : `pass '${helpArg}'`; options.logger.log(`To view the help guide ${command}`); } } function listMissingArgs(commandLineConfig: CommandLineOption[], parsedArgs: commandLineArgs.CommandLineOptions) { return commandLineConfig .filter((config) => config.optional == null && parsedArgs[] == null) .filter((config) => { if ( === 'Boolean') { parsedArgs[] = false; return false; } return true; }); } |